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Biometric Services - Fingerprinting

Securing our industry

Under the Code of Federal Regulations, employees and applicants of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) programs may be required to submit to a fingerprint-based Criminal History Records Check (CHRC). NATA CS has the authority to capture and submit biometric and biographic information, in compliance with these regulations.

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Fingerprinting & More

Experience the power.

Monitor your employees within a single security compliance platform while using the same platform to oversee your company's overall adherence to federal regulations.

In addition to CHRCs, request online training modules, background checks, credentialing, and anti-drug and alcohol program management, supervising everything in one location.

Everything you need for fingerprinting.

From customized dashboards to online forms to Certified Fingerprint Technicians, you will find a smooth and efficient fingerprinting process.

Comprehensive Features

Tech Network

Trusted Agents

Worldwide Support

Select a NATA CS Certified Fingerprint Technician from more than 325 Trusted Agents around the globe. Our agents know how to correctly fill out the required forms and can collect and transmit prints electronically within minutes.

Unable to locate a Trusted Agent in your area? Why not certify as one?

Knowledge & Experience

TSA Operator & Flight School programs.

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Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP)

"The Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP) outlines requirements for FAA Part 135 certificated carriers offering commercial air transport using aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight between 12,500 pounds (5,670 kg) and 100,309.3 pounds (45,500 kg)." ~ TSA

Private Charter Standard Security Program (PCSSP)

"The Private Charter Standard Security Program (PCSSP) is for operators with an FAA Part 121, 125, or 135 certificate using aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 100,309.3 pounds (45,500 kg) or configured with 61 or more passenger seats." ~ TSA

Learn More

Flight Training Security Program (FTSP)

Under the TSA's Flight Training Final Rule, persons seeking flight training must undergo a security threat assessment if they are not citizens or nationals of the United States. To learn more or to order your fingerprint-based security threat assessment, click the links below: 

Apply Here

Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (AOSSP)be the one who is always

"The Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (AOSSP) is for operators with FAA Part 121 and 125 certificate holders and includes scheduled passenger service operations using aircraft with an FAA certified seating capacity of 61 or more seats, regardless of the number of existing seats.  This program applies to all scheduled passenger service operating into or out of a TSA controlled sterile area." ~ TSA

Full All-Cargo Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (FACAOSSP)

“TSA’s regulations require that each “Part 119” aircraft operator certificated by FAA operating aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of more than 45,500 kg (100,309.3 pounds) carrying cargo and authorized persons and no passengers must comply with TSA’s Full All-Cargo Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program requirements. See 49 CFR § 1544.101(h).” ~ TSA

Aircraft access to runways

TSA Airport Runway Access Programs

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Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, DC 

DCA Access Standard Security Program (DASSP)

"to conduct flights into and out of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), all general aviation operators are required to follow security measures set forth in the DCA Access Standard Security Program."  ~ TSA

DASSP Gateway List (Updated March 4, 2025)

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Maryland Three Airports

Maryland Three Program (MD-3)

"...allows private pilots to fly to, from and between the three general aviation airports closest to the National Capital Region...College Park Airport, Potomac Airfield and Washington Executive Airport/Hyde Field."  ~ TSA


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RAP Back Service

Recurring Fingerprint Vetting

TSA requires the RAP Back Service for certain TSA Security Programs. The TSA RAP Back Services focusing on potential future arrest for previously hired and fingerprinted employees. This is an automated service that is available through the FBI's Next Generation Identification or NGI system. 

NATA CS will guide and assist you through the enrollment, collection, submission and management of your RAP Back Service subscription through our innovative security platform. 

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