Online Training
Learning that impacts what matters
Strengthening safety & security awareness, promoting growth and ensuring compliance.

One platform,
infinite benefits.
Your employees complete training on their own schedule and from their own location. All they need is an internet connection.
Lower Costs
Providing in-person training can be expensive, especially if you have to bring employees in from other locations. Online training is friendlier to your budget.
Comprehensive Learning
Rather than just surface-level knowledge, your employees receive a deeper understanding of the information they are absorbing.
Learning Made Simple
Online Training Snippets
View snippets of just a couple of the online training modules that are available to you through our safety and security compliance platform.
Online Training
Get What You Need, When You Need It.
Order When You're Ready
After you add your employee to the safety and security compliance platform, ordering the training they need for their specific role(s) is a simple process. You can also use the platform to order recurrent training as needed.

Track Employee Progress
Stay informed on your employee's activity. You can view whether your employee has yet to start the training, if the training is in progress, or if it has been completed and the completion date.
Certify When Complete
When your employee completes their training module, the platform will automatically generate a completion certificate. You can then present the certificate(s) during an inspection to show your compliance.

Online Training Plans
Your training, your way.
Choose the online training plan that works best for your operation's needs and budget.
1. Annual Training Subscription
You pay one fee for the year, based on the number of fingerprinted employees you have. For more information, click here.
2. Pay as You Go Plan
Select the training modules your employees need on an a la carte basis.
Online Courses
Available Anytime You Need Them.
Convenient & Flexible
TSA Security Programs Programs Program
All courses for TSA Security Programs meet TSA requirements. Operators are responsible for providing operator-specific training to security-sensitive employees.
DASSP Training
This training supports the DCA (Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport) Access Standard Security Program (DASSP). Aircraft operators should provide certain training to all employees with access to the DASSP program. If you are unsure what training your employees should complete, your Principal Security Specialist (PSS) will provide guidance.
DASSP FBO Training
DCA Fixed Base Operator Security Program (DASSP) are required to provide certain training to their employees. If you are unsure what training your employees should complete, your Principal Security Specialist (PSS) will provide guidance.
TFSSP Training
Aircraft operators are required to provide certain training to all employees with access to the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP). If you are unsure what training your employees should complete, your Principal Security Specialist (PSS) will provide guidance.
General Security Awareness
Enhance your employees' security training with education on the risks that airports face today. This training discusses security risks, how to identify suspicious activity and where to report it. Ideal for Fixed Base Operators, General Aviation Operators and Corporate Flight Departments.
DHS Blue Lightning Initiative
H.R. 302 - the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, requires air carriers to provide training on human trafficking to all employees who regularly interact with the public. Through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this complimentary course is offered to all business aviation operators and their employees.
FAA/DOT Anti-Drug & Alcohol Program
These courses meet the requirements set by 14 CFR § 120 for all safety-sensitive employees and supervisors. Operations with an Anti-Drug & Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program are required to provide specific training to their employees.
All safety-sensitive employees must receive initial training on substance use. Supervisors making reasonable cause/suspicion determinations must complete initial and recurrent training as stated in your company's policy.
Flight School Security Awareness
TSA and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) have collaborated to create an online General Aviation Security course which may be used for initial and recurrent flight school security awareness training.