NATA CS Blog List

Stay up-to-date with general aviation safety, security & compliance articles.

Aircraft Operator (2)

Awareness Training Saves Lives

Human trafficking is a worldwide epidemic. According to the International Labour Organization, an estimated 40.3 million people are victims of...

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Safety vs. Security: Is there a difference?

Safety…security: they sound like they are the same thing, right? After all, they both work with the purpose of protecting someone or something from...

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Why and When to Adopt a Twelve-Five Standard Security Program

In the fall of 2001, four commercial airliners were turned into weapons of mass destruction, the first time in history. This event, known as 9/11,...

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4 Ways to Prepare Your Operation for Employee Turnover

Every business experiences employee turnover, some more than others. Aviation businesses especially, are struggling to retain its pilots,...

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The Importance of Employee Identification

How many times have you turned on the TV or went online, only to hear of an individual impersonating someone else? In December 2017, the New York...

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