Claudia Culmone

A Marketing and Communications Manager for NATA Compliance Services, Claudia brings with her a wealth of writing knowledge and experience. She worked as a legal and business investigative journalist for over 10 years, interviewing business owners, state legislators, judges and attorneys. Claudia also spent five years as an online content writer and account manager. In this capacity, she composed blogs, press releases, professional biographies and web pages for a wide range of industries, including legal. Claudia worked directly with clients to understand what their needs were, project future concerns and help them achieve their goals. Outside the office, Claudia has a second career as a fictional author. She is also an avid photographer, history junkie, weekend traveler, and a collector of music and international fairytales. Claudia holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah.

Aviation: A Transportation Method for Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a modern term applied to an age-old system that exploits people of all ages and backgrounds for profit or personal gratification.

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Is Your Company Safe from Insider Threat?

First, what is an insider threat? According to the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) 2018 Report of the Aviation Security Advisory...

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Drones: The New Generation of Aviation

Know someone who had a drone on their holiday wish list? Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aerial systems (UAS),...

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Safety vs. Security: Is there a difference?

Safety…security: they sound like they are the same thing, right? After all, they both work with the purpose of protecting someone or something from...

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FMCSA vs. FAA, Part 2

Knowing when a company needs to set up a drug program, or when safety-sensitive employees should be administered a drug or alcohol test, is not...

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FMCSA & FAA Drug Programs

Drug Program Management: FMCSA vs FAA, part 1 Complying with the guidelines of more than one U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) agency is...

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The Importance of Employee Identification

How many times have you turned on the TV or went online, only to hear of an individual impersonating someone else? In December 2017, the New York...

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